2015 was a tough year. My brother died from brain cancer in January, and my mom passed away from Parkinson’s and dementia in December. My world was turned upside down, so I turned to stitching to get out of my head. That survival strategy has now become my vocation and silver lining.
Both my mom and maternal grandmother were seamstresses. And my paternal grandmother knit and stitched needlepoint. Being a tall girl, I also sewed, but it was usually a frustration. No home-sewn outfit ever rivaled an off-the-rack garment. So, when tall fashions became available in the 70s, I left the sewing machine, swearing never to return. Now here I am some 40 years later with needle in hand.
I’m self-taught with the aid of family wisdom, library books, YouTube, and my favorite textile artist Sue Stone. I took Sue’s online course the year after my family members passed, and it changed my life. She gave me the encouragement and techniques I was looking for, and I’ll forever be grateful.
In addition to stitching, I also freelance write for And I am the Founder and Director of the Door County Textile Art Collective.
My home is Milwaukee, WI, with a second home in beautiful Door County, WI.
“Between the Cracks,” The Public Arts Initiative of Egg Harbor, Egg Harbor, WI. March, 2021.
“The Contemporary Art of Quilting,” The Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY. Juried group exhibit. March, 2020.
“Home Sweet Home,” The Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY. Juried group exhibit. January, 2019.
“Sacred Threads,” Herndon, VA. Juried group exhibit. June, 2019.
“Blues and Other Hues,” Plymouth Art Center, WI. Studio Art Quilt Association (SAQA) WI/IL Chapter Exhibit. August, 2019.
Northern Arts Collective, Ellison Bay, WI
“Mary Carson: How hand stitch can heal,”
“Stories in Thread",” Fiber Art Now, Fall, 2019